Our Association
The Engineering Professions Association of Namibia (EPA) is a non-profit, voluntary membership association of professionals active in engineering and related fields in Namibia. We are a member of the South African Road Federation (SARF), and Namibia is a member country of the Commonwealth Engineers Council, London, UK.
Our Aim
The Association strives to uphold excellence in the field of engineering by promoting the image of the engineering profession and the continuing education and common interests of its members.
Engineers, engineering technologists and technicians have traditionally played a major role in Namibia, as witnessed by the excellent infrastructure relating to – among others – transport, telecommunications, power supply, and water supply. With the independence of Namibia in 1990, a greater emphasis has been placed on the effective utilisation of scarce resources, the maintenance of existing infrastructure, and sustainable development with due regard to the protection of the environment. The engineering profession has a crucial role to play in this regard, and the Association aims to act as a facilitator towards fulfilling this role.
We Offer
EPA promotes the engineering profession through its involvement in activities such as the following:
- Promoting technical awareness at school level
- Providing study loans/bursaries to engineering students
- Providing inputs into the tertiary education of engineers and technicians
- Engaging in capacity building, such as courses and conventions
- Promoting environmental awareness
- Promoting a positive image for the profession
- Serving the common interests of its members social activities
- Circulars are issued throughout the year to inform members on matters of interest, such as luncheons, seminars, etc.
Once the new Engineering Act is promulgated the EPA in co-operation with the ECN will be responsible for the implementation and management of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) system for engineering professionals. Part of the EPA’s functions in this regard will be organizing accredited courses in Namibia.
For more information, download the EPA brochure